Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Secret School by Avi*

 Recently Sarah Mackenzie interviewed Anna Rose Johnson on her podcast RAR. Anna Rose recommended historical fiction books. This title was one of them. 

Fourteen-year-old Ida is about to graduate from her one-room schoolhouse in the mountains of remote Colorado in 1925. If she passes her final exam, she will be able to attend the high school in town and become a teacher. The school's teacher's mother becomes ill. She leaves to care for her. When a school board member closes the school, Ida and her classmates decide to keep the school open-with her as a teacher. They, however, do not inform the school board and meet in secret.

*Highly recommend. (perfect for older readers who don't like to read or don't have the stamina-the chapters are short and engaging. It's a quick read packed with interesting characters, setting, and plot.)

This book was published in 2001. Twenty-two years later Avi wrote its sequel. I am currently reading it and will review it soon.

-Borrowed from the library.

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