Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Luminous Life of Lucy Landry by Anna Rose Johnson*

 When Lucy's guardian passes away, she finds herself living at a lighthouse on Lake Superior with the large Martin family. She is afraid of water. Two years ago her father died in a shipwreck. Not only does she must battle with her fear of water while living there, all of her attempts to be helpful within the Martin family end in disaster. She may even cause Mr. Martin to lose his job as lighthouse keeper. Will the Martin family accept her as one of their own?

A search for a  long-lost necklace, from a shipwreck, is an alluring dimension to the plot.

I liked the references to books I have loved-Little Women, The Story Girl, and The Country of Pointed Firs.

I enjoyed this story and its setting. I loved the Martin family and loved experiencing how a lighthouse family had to function. Although I am highly recommending it, I did find Lucy annoying (in the middle of the book, I did not like her). Her imagination reminded me of Anne Shirely's but not as credible or as well-developed. Also, all of the problems were too perfectly resolved by the end. 

*Highly recommend.

-Borrowed from the library.

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