Ed's best friend Pete has fallen for their classmate, Anabell. Rumor has it Anabell likes Pete. The eighth grade class meets to discuss how they can bring the two together. Shakespeare is the answer, of course!
They convince their English teacher to grant them permission to rewrite the play, Romeo and Juliet after school hours and then perform it for the school. What educators would turn down a group of students who want to overachieve?!
Who will play Romeo? Pete.
Who will play Juliet? Anabell.
Then they will HAVE to kiss!
A humorous read from start to finish!
Warnings/points to discuss: focus on middle school romance and kissing, Anabell reads smut romance novels (from the description of the covers), Ed tells Pete to practice kissing on a Cabbage Patch Doll, lying, calling kissing scenes "bedroom scenes", the Romeo and Juliet story line
-Borrowed from the library.